In our last blog we shared some Type 2 Diabetes stats and figures from a couple of sources. Remember how these numbers and facts seem SO crazy and out of control? How could something so preventable be SO common?
The rise in the incidence of Type 2 Diabetes is outrageous and seriously concerning. If this condition hasn’t impacted you personally (and we hope it hasn’t!) chances are high that it has touched someone you know and/or love.
If so, you need to read this!
Fitness is fabulous and we believe it should absolutely be a part of everyone’s health and wellness plan. No sensible person would deny that. So, as you read this blog please be very clear: we ARE advocates of fitness! But …
We have shared content about this condition a few times before. But because its incidence continues to rise, we feel it’s important to consistently share about it.
A Quick Overview of the Activate DNA-Based Weight Loss Program.
We are routinely asked to share the “quick version” of what our program is all about.