What the heck is this program all about?

The 4 Key “S” Pieces of the Lifetime Metabolic Weight Loss Puzzle
We have now walked many clients successfully through the Lifetime Metabolic Program. Most of them share with their friends, family and co-workers about the program and about me and my team. (Thanks!). Plus, we love sharing videos, before & after pics and other information on Facebook. As a result of all of this, we get asked about the program a lot when we are out and about. Make no mistake: we love that! We’re always excited to share about the program. Of course, we work hard to apply The K.I.S.S. Principle … meaning “Keep It Super Simple” when we share in such a setting.
So, maybe YOU have heard, read, watched a video, seen pictures or in some other way asked questions like this:
“What the heck are they doing there to achieve such great results?” “What is this Lifetime Program really all about?”
Science – We use Testing and Technology right from Day 1 with our computerized BODY COMPOSITION ANALYSIS which enables us to better understand that body of yours. What really makes up your current weight? In other words, let’s measure actual fat, muscle, water and bone weight. Let’s be informed as you lose weight! How much fat could we safely and sensibly shed? What about muscle? Some people have more muscle mass and that makes the scale read heavier than a peer with much lesser muscle mass but who may be the same height and generalize size as you (side note this frustrates a lot of people if they don’t know this!) We also use GENETIC TESTING. That’s right we check your DNA! Just like we’re all different on the outside, we’re all very unique inside too! People differ in the way they process and assimilate different nutrients, how they store or absorb them and more. Until you know this, you are probably just guessing at ratios of proteins, fats and carbs you need. This report serves as our long term success manual for our clients.
Strategic Eating – What do we mean by this? It’s simple: this is NOT a diet! It’s eating very intentionally to create a change we want and need. It’s strategic. We tend to avoid the word “diet”. That word itself conjures up ill-feelings for most of our clients. By design they tend to be temporary, short-term, quick fix, fad … and most simply don’t work. We want to see more of a lifestyle shift – to help clients think differently about their body, understand it better and engage in their unique DNA based eating plan. Don’t get me wrong though… The Lifetime Metabolic program is highly strategic right from the start to get the body to wake up and get into a “fat burning metabolism”. When folks commit to our initial jump start phase the results are typically significant, quick and exciting. But, we always have to shift gears, hit cruise control and settle into that lifestyle development to reach and maintain our goal weight. We want clients thinking long-term! And that takes strategy and as we move through the necessary phases.
Supplementation – Most people’s bodies and habit patterns benefit from assistance in the initial phase of a strategic eating plan – especially if they really want to get a good, effective jump start. This is critical early on, but this piece of the puzzle is one we like to emphasize should be short term. We do not want anybody dependent on any product. But, we want to assure to get through those early challenging times and have things that can naturally assist with hunger, cravings, and that lethargic-yuck feeling most feel when they attempt to make significant changes. Importantly, we use proven formulas with natural ingredients. There are NO drugs, NO shots and NO hormones. Oh, and you will never have to buy a special brand of shakes, bars or boxed food in this program!
Support – Many people we meet with will come right out and admit their biggest challenges or frustrations. They say things like “I really need help” or “I feel overwhelmed” or “Someone needs to hold me accountable” or “My health conditions concern me or prevent me from losing weight”. These and similar phrases are common and shared with us almost daily. So, if you are feeling the same way, please realize YOU ARE NOT ALONE! That need for direction, oversight, accountability and personalized, sensitive support is very common. It just is what it is! That’s why The Lifetime Metabolic Program is structured to fill this need. Doctor oversight and close accountability is indeed a key piece of the puzzle … as much as daily communication in that beginning, most challenging phase! Some programs have you check in one day then you’re completely on your own. You may have even been told not to check your weight for a couple weeks until they see you again. As a result, people have no idea what’s happening with their body. They may go days with questions and needs not being addressed. So we actually insist that you share your weight and how you feel, what you may be struggling with (there are usually solutions if addressed right away!), questions you may have and more. Weigh daily – Text daily” is our motto for the first phase. That close text communication and consistent in person visits in our clinic carries on for the duration of your program. This model creates teamwork. You should never feel alone in this program!
So, there you have it. The 4S Pieces of the Lifetime Metabolic Program. The combined ingredients that are helping thousands of people reach and maintain a healthy weight. Our goal here is very simple: to take massive action towards the over-weight and obesity epidemic that is leading to metabolic syndrome and more illness and disease in our country than any time in history. Is it time for you to learn more about how these pieces of the puzzle may fit into your life? If so, please click the “Schedule Now” box and we will arrange a convenient time to discuss it in more detail. Until then, live well!